Inkless Tales Blog

Comments, questions, Inkless Tales of your own. Feel free to post anything you like here, readers! Inkless Tales, at, a web site for children, offers the Animated Alphabet and the Mathematical Mother Goose. Recommended by the American Library Association, the Internet Public Library, the Encyclopedia Britannica and Reading Is Fundamental (RIF); created and © by Elizabeth Williams Bushey.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Time to Start Thinking Poetically.

Of course, when is it NOT time to start thinking poetry?

American National Poetry Month will happen in April, as it does every year.

I want to launch a contest -- I want to offer a prize to the class which reads the most poems in the month of April. I also want the students and the teachers to send me their opinions of the poetry.

I think it will be inspiring.

I only need to think of what the winners will get. I am thinking of offering a free, all-day, school visit.

I am all ears as to what readers think.

-elizabeth williams bushey.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Newest projects for Inkless Tales

Mother Goose Rhymes

When a teacher friend of mine clued me into the fact that children these days simply don't know the old Mother Goose rhymes, I wanted to come up with a fun, new way to present them to modern-day kids.

Plus, I simply LOVE paper sculpture.

These are NOT the final sculpture photographs. But i thought a sneak-peak might be fun.

Little Nancy Etticoat

Little Nancy Etticoat
In a white petticoat
And a red nose.
The longer she stands, the shorter she grows.

:: :: ::

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one

The mouse ran down

Hickory Dickory Dock.

:: :: ::

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on her tuffet

Eating her curds and whey

Along came a spider

And sat down beside her

And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Let me know what you think. Look for the newest additions at

-elizabeth bushey

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Down Under is Downright Cool.

Inkless Tales, at, now links to over 500 schools and libraries around the world.

Every once in a while, something particularly "gets" me, and I'll drop a thank you note for the link. While the American Library Association, the Internet Public Library, and even the Encyclopedia Britannica all have some very nice things to say about Inkless Tales, it's the response from kids and teachers that mean the most.

This Grade 1 Classroom in Queensland, Australia, has really stolen my heart.


Friday, August 18, 2006

School is starting

There's nothing like brand new notebooks, pencils and supplies to start off the new year right!

Have a wonderful school year, everybody!


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July.

Happy Fourth of July!

Today is the day Americans celebrate their independence. Many of them do it with barbecues, but at night they do it with fireworks to remember the many battles they fought for freedom.

Visit Inkless Tales soon for photographs of fireworks -- and feel free to post a comment here for your stories of fireworks you've seen.

-Elizabeth Bushey

Sunday, July 02, 2006

New and Improved.

New & Improved: BLOG IT!

Welcome to the new and improved way to leave your mark on Inkless Tales.


Leave your thoughts, poems, stories and more -- here on the NEW Inkless Tales Blog. I've transferred over the messages from the Guestbook, which was just getting TOO full of SPAM.

To leave a comment, you'll need to use WORD VERIFICATION to prove you're a real human. That means you'll need to re-type a made-up word (it may look like nonsense) into a box. It may look weird, too.

Why? Because only humans can figure it out -- it's like a puzzle. Spammers very often use computers, called robots, to send BAD messages to guestbooks like the one I had.

This is MUCH safer for everyone, especially for kids.

So here we GO! I look forward to hearing from everyone!

-Elizabeth Bushey

Saturday, July 01, 2006

07/01/2006 05:16 AM



Very good site, congratulations!

6/02/2006 07:21 PM


Cool site!

Placed to bookmark!

5/24/2006 03:59 PM



Very good site, congratulations!

05/24/2006 05:45 AM



Love your site.Lots of variety and easy to navigate.Thank-you!

05/21/2006 08:53 AM

sumit kumar

Asia and Pacific - India

this site is very hot.good job.keep it up.

05/05/2006 08:48 AM


Asia and Pacific - India


04/30/2006 02:28 AM



.hi elizabeth.i am jijivisha ghosh.actually,i am from was not in the option,so..........i simply LOVE YOUR SITE.IT IS SO COOL.I HAVE SENT YOU A POEM.PLEASE DO READ IT.I AM 11 YRS OLD AND WILL BE 12 ON 02 AUG'06.BYE FOR NOW

03/07/2006 10:52 PM

Gladys Wilfreds

This site is pretty cool. Good Job!

03/03/2006 12:10 p.m.

Elizabeth Bushey - Location: New York

So glad to see the Guestbook filling up. Feel free to add poems, thoughts, and other comments about What would you like to see here? What do you like on the site? What needs improvement? Put your thoughts down here, or e-mail me anytime at


02/02/2006 - 11:10 p.m.

tom - Location: Alabamam

Cool site!

Placed to bookmark!

11/18/2005 12:52 a.m.

did this work? Cool site.

We'd be happy to place your site/link at our site if you place ours on yours.

Resources and information for and about: children, families, parents and educators on topics such as early childhood growth and development, brain development, high quality developmentally and culturally appropriate child care, literacy, education and more.

11/18/2005 12:52 a.m.

Nice site! We'll post your link our our site if you put ours on yours!

10/29/2005 - 6:25 p.m.

William Sawyers - Location, California

Great place for children, I'm a new Author of three books for children too.

10/19/2005 - 6:11 p.m.

Location: New York

I Love Books by Anne Bushey I love books.Thay can be blue.I love books as much as you.


Welcome the new guestbook at I hope you have fun here. Leave a message, share some thoughts about books, pictures, poetry and reading and being a kid.

You might even want to post a story of your own!

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll be checking the boards often.

